Atlas Electric Custom Manufactured 15 KV Outdoor Skid Mounted Automatic Transfer Switch with the following major components and features:
- Heavy Duty Portable Skid designed for lifting and towing
- 3 each 5/15 KV Becker SMC 600 amp Electrically Operated Vacuum Circuit Breakers with Multilin 350 Feeder Protection Relays
- 2ea Neutral Grounding Resistors, 15kV L-L 7200v L-N, 5amp 5 minute rating
- GE Multilin PQMII Power Quality Meter
- Programmable Logic Controller
- 2 each 2 KVA Control Power Transformers 13800-120/240 volt
- 3 each 15 KV Potential Transformers
- 1 each Startco SE-135 GF/GC relay
- CSA inspected and labeled