150 KVA Mine Power Center with the following major features and components:
- Heavy Duty Underground Portable Skid
- Line Power 15 KV 600 Amp Vacuum Circuit Breaker with Visible Disconnect
- 150 KVA Dry Transformer 4160-480Y/277 volt three phase
- 5 KV Surge Arrestors
- Neutral Grounding Resistor with Startco SE325 Neutral Grounding Resistor Monitor
- Square D 250 Amp Main Circuit Breaker
- Three Square D Feeder Circuit Breakers with motorized breaker operators
- Three Current Transformers and Transducers for PLC Input
- Three Line Power Receptacles
- Programmable Logic Controller with Touch Screen Panel, Industrial Power Supply, Battery Charger, Arc Detection Module and Voltage Regulator
- 5 KVA Control Power Transformer 480-120/240 volt with Distribution Panel
- Alarm Beacon and Horn